
Legalizing marijuana is about much more than just getting high. There are numerous social and economic benefits that give everyone a reason to support legalizing marijuana.

  • Colorado raised $88 million from July 2014 – June 2015, with $40 million going directly to underfunded rural schools. And tax revenues keep going up each month (Source)
  • Legalizing marijuana would cut drug cartel profits by 30% (Source)
  • States with medical marijuana laws have 25% fewer deaths from painkiller overdoses and 15%-30% lower substance abuse admissions. (Source)
  • In the first 11 months of marijuana being legal in Colorado, violent crime fell 2.2%, burglaries fell 9.5%, and property crime fell 8.9%. This isn’t to say that marijuana legalization nessesarily reduced the crime, but it certainly doesn’t lead to more crime. (Source)