
MADISON: More than 25 medical cannabis patients and supporters turned out to make it clear that many Wisconsinites remain very unhappy about State Sen. Julie Lassa’s decision to join Republican opponents on the Senate Health committee to kill AB554/SB368 the Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana Act (JRMMA). Her action means that medical marijuana bills have died in Wisconsin legislative committees for at least the last 7 sessions or 14 years despite overwhelming public support.

Protesters lined up in front of the Madison Club and the adjacent Hilton Hotel with signs. A sign reading “Honk for Medical Marijuana” was popular with passing motorists. Honking, sometimes by several cars at a time, frequently punctuated the evening air

Support for medical marijuana was frequently expressed by attendees passing by on their way inside. Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-Madison) offered a verbal “honk” for medical marijuana. A young woman on her way inside was asked by a patient to ask Sen. Lassa about mmj. When the woman later exited , she gave  a thumbs up, indicating that medical marijuana was a topic both inside and out.

The Badger Herald published an article today with a quote from Mike McCabe, executive director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, saying “medicinal marijuana is not a big issue in the November elections”. McCabe was also quoted as saying, “I don’t think it’s going to be a big issue unless the candidates are smoking it,” McCabe said. “The economy and jobs are the dominant issues.”

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